Girl/Friends Leadership: Institute one day mural painting workshop
Calumet Prospectives Junior High: Teaching students the fundamentals of art, drawing and design. 81st and May Chicago IL.
West Side Health Authority/After School Matters: Lead instructor /project manager, instructing High School student’s in fundamentals of drawing, painting and producing mural under the central and lake viaduct Chicago IL
Chicago Children’s Theater in collaboration with ISH Institute: Three day workshop instructing High School students how to paint a stage back drop. Chicago, IL
Chicago Public Art Group: The Beacon of light W.A.C.A community mural project, Lead Artist, 30x50ft spray paint and acrylic on brick wall produced with neighborhood kids: Central Park and Ogden, Chicago IL.
After School Matters / Yollocalli Youth Center: Examining Stereotypes project, co-lead instructor, Giving lessons to high school students on the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop, screen-printing, and painting. Resulting in the students creating mixed media posters challenging ethnic stereotypes; 18th South Racine Chicago IL.
Jones College Prep Academy: Chicago Public School: Co-Lead instructor instructing High School students fundamentals of drawing and mural painting 700 South State Street; Chicago, IL.
2001 - 2002
South West Youth Collaborate: Instructed fundamentals of drawing, painting, and graffiti style to grammar and high school students; 6400 South Kedzie.