Hello Ladies,
Here it is, this is it! The much sought after, almost impossible to find, Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette. Yup I got it and I want to discuss this palette. You know I don't usually review makeup (although if I see interest in my makeup review, then I will gladly review some now and then, and by request) So, those of you who want manicure designs, sorry, not today. Later this week, I promise.
First, I need to tell you how I got it, (A little light humor). If you don't care to hear the story, (I won't be mad) then scroll down to the nitty gritty.
The hunt:
Patience is a virtue, but ambition and aggression will get you what you want. I had previously swatched the colors and thought, "OMG! I have to have this!" then in my search (because Ulta didn't have it), I realized it was a hot commodity and I might have to do a little work to get it. Thanks to my new BFF at Ulta "thanks girl!, I'll see you next week" I got the inside scoop that they would have three and only three on Mothers Day. I knew I wasn't the only one who wanted it so I planned to be at the door before they opened, and thank goodness I was.
A group of us stood outside Ulta at 10:55 eager to get in. I knew they were after the Peach palette. I could read the desperation it in their eyes. The hunger, The exctement. The willingness to cut each others throat to be the first in the door. I positioned myself so that I'd be second, if not first, because there were more than three of us anxiously hoping from one foot to the other like we're going to wet our pants. I was number two. I didn't want to run down the woman in front of me. I mean really, It's just makeup afterall. (Of course I'm being sarcastic, are you kidding?!? Makeup + brushes and tools = Reason for living).
The nano second the door opened, we mowed down the poor consultant (so sorry, I hope you're healing well), Note to self: send a get well card.
I ran over to the Too Faced section. No kidding, I ran. We all did. We were eager, hungry, and desperate. To our horror, the space was empty. EMPTY! We weren't upset. We weren't disappointed. We wern't even angry. No, we were going to riot up in there and tear that store apart until they gave us our peach palettes! The cashier saw what was about to go down and knew she had to thwart our plans for destruction. She didn't have to ask. She didn't have to say a word. She knew what we wanted. She just needed to get the darn thing in our hands before we exploded. She sprinted over to us, treasures in hand, announcing "ok, ok, who was first." Woman number one quickly said that she was first, immedietly I called second. And honestly, I don't care who said what after that. I don't care who got the last one or who the unlucky ones were who went home empty handed. Sorry, but it was a hunt, and there was only going to be three winners. I was one of them and that's all that mattered. Now, as I think back, and sympathy kicks in, do I feel regret for the poor women who didn't get a palette?...nope, still don't care. Ha!
I couldn't wait to get home, so in my car, I opened the peachy box to smell the beautiful aroma. Yes, it smells like fresh, sweet peaches. Ahhhh. I'm still sniffing it now. If I could convince the Computer Gods to transmit the smell to you, though your devices, I would.
The nitty gritty:
I've had two days to play around with the palette. That's not a lot of time to decide if it was just hype, or if it's really a good palette. Some people I've seen on YouTube like it. Some are on the fence. I wonder how many of the enthusiastic buyers will reverse their opinion in time. It happens. You go gaga over a palette, then you think "hmmm, really I could have done without this one."
Here's what I think. Keep in mind that I have light brown skin, so it might work differently on me than on someone with darker or lighter skin tones. And I admit that my camera doesn't do the palette justice. The colors are much warmer than shown below. The first picture above, is a better example.
A few of the colors on the left side of the palette, the lighter side, didn't show up so well on me. The mattes were a bit chalky, and the shimmers could have been bolder. For a lighter tone person, these nine would be great.
The right side of the palette had deeper colors. I had some difficulty with these too. Three, were matte, and two others might as well have been. The mattes didn't blend as well as I've experienced with other companies.
The palette is very soft, and the lighter, peachier colors take some work to build up to a good visible look. I think this might be true for most skin tones because I saw it on a lighter tone woman and it was almost unnoticeable. I think the company was going for a soft, gentle look, and they succeeded. It would take a lot to create a bold look with this palette, unless you were using several of the darker ones. The lighter colors just weren't very buildable. The darker colors were very flat and actually had brown undertones rather than warmer red ones that this palette could have had. The one reddish one, Delectable, came off brown, just as brown as the other dark colors.
I think I've pointed out quite a few negatives, but let's do a Q&A.
Is it wearable?
Yes. You won't get a lot of creative looks from this palette, but if you want a soft look, like for a younger person who doesn't want to look garish, then this palette is fine. For a bolder look you would need to use the darker colors, and have a flatter brown look.
How is the consistency and formula?
Honestly, I found the mattes a little chalky. Nowhere as chalky as Urban Decays Basics Palette, though. As much as I love UD, I have to say their mattes are the chalkiest. I was expecting more from the darker tones. I wanted warmth and color distinction, so I was a little disappointed to see that on me, most of them were flat browns. The shimmers were great, but not as strong as I prefer. If you're used to UD shimmers, then you might be disappointed with these. No punch, no kick.
How about the colors:
Makeup Geek shadows are more true to color. If it's a shimmery olive in the pan, then it looks shimmery olive on you. Or if it's a dark red plum in the palette then it's going to be similar when you wear it. I think the darker colors in this collection look different from one another and attractive in the pan, but were flat and indistinctive when worn. A few were close to smudged dirt. To me, drugstore shadows are like that and I don't like paying $49 for shadows that are barely a step up from drugstore. Their choice in colors would be fine if they looked the same when I applied them.
Are the colors blendable?
Mostly, yes. The darker mattes were not quite as blendable as the others, but that's sometimes the nature of dark mattes. All the other colors were nicely blendable. Makeup Geek mattes are the best I've found. they're blendable and buttery...and they're only $6. I'm just saying.
Was the packaging satisfactory?
Yes. I was very happy with the packaging. The tin was most similar to to the Chocolate Bon Bons Palatte, and thinner than the Chocolate Bars. There was no brush included - no problem. Not a necessity. Many times you never use the brush that come with the palettes anyway. I loved the magnetic closure and I wish more brands did this. The mirror was a plus. I think all palettes need one for on the go. As I mentioned above, the scent is terrific.
Am I glad I bought it and will I use it?
The thrill of the hunt and anticipation was fun. I think it's a nice soft neutral palette for lighter skin tones. I probably won't reach for it often. But I can make most shadows work, so, I will probably use it...maybe. I admit that I'm REALLY stuck on MUG and UD. I show all kinds of enthusigasm when reviewing those shadows. It takes a lot to pull me away from reaching for my MUG shadows. A whole lot.
If I could make the choice again, knowing what I know now, would I buy it?
No. I can do so much more with other palettes and pans until this one is insignificant in comparison.
Should you buy it?
If you have lighter skin and want a soft refreshing look, or a deep brown look, then yes, definitely. If you have darker toned skin, this might not be the palatte for you, unless you want a flat brown look. I could suggest some MUG shadows though...all of them!
Even though I pointed out quite a few negative points, overall, the palette isn't bad. Limited, but not bad. My review was critical, but I wanted to give you my honest opinion.
If I find someone who wants to buy it, I would sell it. I'm just not likely going to use it. If I keep it, I'll revisit it someday and think "This isn't bad" and combine it with other shadows, but not just the palette by itself.
That's it. Have you tried this palette? Would you after this review? And last, do you want me to review more makeup products in the future? Comment comment comment. I love comments!
Ciao Bellas!