Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Much Coveted Too Faced Peach Palette...Yes, I got It!

Hello Ladies,

Here it is, this is it!  The much sought after, almost impossible to find, Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette. Yup I got it and I want to discuss this palette. You know I don't usually review makeup (although if I see interest in my  makeup review, then I will gladly review some now and then, and by request) So, those of you who want manicure designs, sorry, not today. Later this week, I promise.

First, I need to tell you how I got it, (A little light humor). If you don't care to hear the story, (I won't be mad) then scroll down to the nitty gritty. 

The hunt:

Patience is a virtue, but ambition and aggression will get you what you want. I had previously swatched the colors and thought, "OMG! I have to have this!" then in my search (because Ulta didn't have it), I realized it was a hot commodity and I might have to do a little work to get it. Thanks to my new BFF at Ulta "thanks girl!, I'll see you next week" I got the inside scoop that they would have three and only three on Mothers Day. I knew I wasn't the only one who wanted it so I planned to be at the door before they opened, and thank goodness I was.

A group of us stood outside Ulta at 10:55 eager to get in.  I knew they were after the Peach palette. I could read the desperation it in their eyes.  The hunger, The exctement. The willingness to cut each others throat to be the first in the door. I positioned myself so that I'd be second, if not first, because there were more than three of us anxiously hoping from one foot to the other like we're going to wet our pants. I was number two. I didn't want to run down the woman in front of me.  I mean really, It's just makeup afterall. (Of course I'm being sarcastic, are you kidding?!? Makeup + brushes and tools = Reason for living).

The nano second the door opened, we mowed down the poor consultant (so sorry, I hope you're healing well), Note to self: send a get well card.

I ran over to the Too Faced section.  No kidding, I ran.  We all did. We were eager, hungry, and desperate. To our horror, the space was empty.  EMPTY! We weren't upset. We weren't disappointed. We wern't even angry. No, we were going to riot up in there and tear that store apart until they gave us our peach palettes! The cashier saw what was about to go down and knew she had to thwart our plans for destruction. She didn't have to ask. She didn't have to say a word. She knew what we wanted. She just needed to get the darn thing in our hands before we exploded. She sprinted over to us, treasures in hand, announcing "ok, ok, who was first."  Woman number one quickly said that she was first, immedietly I called second.  And honestly, I don't care who said what after that. I don't care who got the last one or who the unlucky ones were who went home empty handed.  Sorry, but it was a hunt, and there was only going to be three winners. I was one of them and that's all that mattered. Now, as I think back, and sympathy kicks in, do I feel regret for the poor women who didn't get a palette?...nope, still don't care. Ha!

I couldn't wait to get home, so in my car, I opened the peachy box to smell the beautiful aroma.  Yes, it smells like fresh, sweet peaches. Ahhhh. I'm still sniffing it now. If I could convince the Computer Gods to transmit the smell to you, though your devices, I would.

The nitty gritty:

 I've had two days to play around with the palette. That's not a lot of time to decide if it was just hype, or if it's really a good palette. Some people I've seen on YouTube like it. Some are on the fence.  I wonder how many of the enthusiastic buyers will reverse their opinion in time.  It happens.  You go gaga over a palette, then you think "hmmm, really I could have done without this one."

Here's what I think.  Keep in mind that I have light brown skin, so it might work differently on me than on someone with darker or lighter skin tones. And I admit that my camera doesn't do the palette justice. The colors are much warmer than shown below. The first picture above, is a better example.

A few of the colors on the left side of the palette, the lighter side, didn't show up so well on me. The mattes were a bit chalky, and the shimmers could have been bolder. For a lighter tone person, these nine would be great.

The right side of the palette had deeper colors. I had some difficulty with these too. Three, were matte, and two others might as well have been.  The mattes didn't blend as well as I've experienced with other companies.

The palette is very soft, and the lighter, peachier colors take some work to build up to a good visible look. I think this might be true for most skin tones because I saw it on a lighter tone woman and it was almost unnoticeable. I think the company was going for a soft, gentle look, and they succeeded. It would take a lot to create a bold look with this palette, unless you were using several of the darker ones. The lighter colors just weren't very buildable.  The darker colors were very flat and actually had brown undertones rather than warmer red ones that this palette could have had.  The one reddish one, Delectable, came off brown, just as brown as the other dark colors.

I think I've pointed out quite a few negatives, but let's do a Q&A.

Is it wearable?
Yes. You won't get a lot of creative looks from this palette, but if you want a soft look, like for a younger person who doesn't want to look garish, then this palette is fine. For a bolder look you would need to use the darker colors, and have a flatter brown look.

How is the consistency and formula? 
Honestly, I found the mattes a little chalky.  Nowhere as chalky as Urban Decays Basics Palette, though. As much as I love UD, I have to say their mattes are the chalkiest. I was expecting more from the darker tones. I wanted warmth and color distinction, so I was a little disappointed to see that on me, most of them were flat browns. The shimmers were great, but not as strong as I prefer. If you're used to UD shimmers, then you might be disappointed with these. No punch, no kick.

How about the colors:
Makeup Geek shadows are more true to color. If it's a shimmery olive in the pan, then it looks shimmery olive on you. Or if it's a dark red plum in the palette then it's going to be similar when you wear it. I think the darker colors in this collection look different from one another and attractive in the pan, but were flat and indistinctive when worn. A few were close to smudged dirt. To me, drugstore shadows are like that and I don't  like paying $49 for shadows that are barely a step up from drugstore.  Their choice in colors would be fine if they looked the same when I applied them.

Are the colors blendable?
Mostly, yes. The darker mattes were not quite as blendable as the others, but that's sometimes the nature of dark mattes. All the other colors were nicely blendable.  Makeup Geek mattes are the best I've found. they're blendable and buttery...and they're only $6.  I'm just saying.

Was the packaging satisfactory? 
Yes. I was very happy with the packaging. The tin was most similar to to the Chocolate Bon Bons Palatte, and thinner than the Chocolate Bars.  There was no brush included - no problem. Not a necessity. Many times you never use the brush that come with the palettes anyway.  I loved the magnetic closure and I wish more brands did this. The mirror was a plus. I think all palettes need one for on the go.  As I mentioned above, the scent is terrific.

Am I glad I bought it and will I use it? 
The thrill of the hunt and anticipation was fun. I think it's a nice soft neutral palette for lighter skin tones. I probably won't reach for it often. But I can make most shadows work, so, I will probably use it...maybe. I admit that I'm REALLY stuck on MUG and UD.  I show all kinds of enthusigasm when reviewing those shadows. It takes a lot to pull me away from reaching for my MUG shadows. A whole lot.
If I could make the choice again, knowing what I know now, would I buy it?
No. I can do so much more with other palettes and pans until this one is insignificant in comparison.

Should you buy it?
If you have lighter skin and want a soft refreshing look, or a deep brown look, then yes, definitely. If you have darker toned skin, this might not be the palatte for you, unless you want a flat brown look. I could suggest some MUG shadows though...all of them!

Even though I pointed out quite a few negative points, overall, the palette isn't bad. Limited, but not bad. My review was critical, but I wanted to give you my honest opinion.

If I find someone who wants to buy it, I would sell it. I'm just not likely going to use it. If I keep it, I'll revisit it someday and think "This isn't bad" and combine it with other shadows, but not just the palette by itself.

That's it. Have you tried this palette?  Would you after this review? And last, do you want me to review more makeup products in the future? Comment comment comment. I love comments!

Ciao Bellas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Sort-of Review for Mundo De Unas Stamping Polishes

Hi Loves,
Today I have sort of a review for you. I'm a big fan of stamping, but I often have a hard time finding reasonably prices stamping polishes that work well. Several months ago, I ran across Mundo de Unas stamping polishes. I bought a few and fell in love with them immediately. So much so, that I've amassed a small arsenal of them since then. I might have raved about them in previous posts and haven't changed how I feel about them since.

I finally put together a few pictures of my collection, and I hope you enjoy them.
I won't show comparisons since the best comparison post around is the one by CopyCatClaws. She did a fabulous job. Take a look at her blog post comparing several brands of stamping polishes along with a few non-stamping ones that work as well here.

If you aren't familiar with the company, Mundo De Unas is located in Mexico, and specializes in stamping polish.  The company was born in 2013 and their prices cannot be beat.  I don't know if the polishes are 3 free or 5 free, but they are animal cruelty free.  You can find them at  Be sure to check out their gallery.  In addition to stamping polish they also have stamping plates, a line of Bissu Metallic polishes, and other stamping supplies.

Here's my collection. The actual colors are pretty true to what you see in the bottles. I hope this helps you choose which are right for you.

Ciao for now.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Literary Lacquers Indie Polish Review

Disclosure: One or more of these polishes were sent for my honest review. I only recommend products that I use and believe my readers will enjoy.

Hello lacquered lovelies,
Today, I have another review for you.
I was sent these polishes by Literary Lacquers  a couple weeks ago, and had a great time playing around with them. Right away, I discovered that this stuff is good. I mean really good.

Before I get into specifics about these polishes, let me start with my initial experience. Of course, I was excited to receive the bottles and was eager to try them out. I did not, however, anticipate what I found. There is a certain luxurious quality to these polishes. The colors are vibrant, yet not overdone. Don't get me wrong,  I also enjoy polishes that are over-the-top, but I found these to touch on a certain level of understated elegance. Even the glittery ones were right on target, sparkly, but not garish, and very wearable. I wore them to the office and received complements. A few of my more conservative friends were very impressed with the glitters, which was a shocker to me since anything beyond neutrals and pinks are a little outside of their comfort zone. Not only was I impressed, but these polishes appeal to a range of tastes beyond my own.

Ok, with that said, let's take a look at the consistency and application.

These are dream polishes, meaning that they applied like a dream. This is how you wish all your polishes applied, smoothly, without pooling or clumping. I did not have to use special care with the glitters and there was no streaking. I used three coats, but these polishes are opaque in two.

Now, let's get to the good stuff, the polishes themselves.

More Like Fire Than Light
 More Like Fire Than Light from The Good Parts Collection, is described as an orange linear holographic polish. It applies smoothly and is opaque in two coats. The formula is a little thin, but I experienced no pooling, and was surprised that it was opaque in two coats. I love the rich color.

Everything You Love

Everything You Love
Everything You Love is a soft muted lilac linear holographic polish that is opaque in two coats. Like the other four polishes, this one applied easily, with no pooling or streaking.


Je Riviens

Je Riviens
Je Riviens is a deep teal linear holo with holographic sparkle from the Rebecca Collection. I fell in love with this polish immediately because of the vibrant sparkles, just the perfect amount to set off the lovely teal color. The consistency was just a tad thicker than More Like Fire Than Light, and it applied smoothly. The sparkle effect was evenly distributed throughout. 

Mirror of Galadriel
Mirror of Galadriel

Mirror of Galadriel is a gorgeous sparkling crystalline silver linear holographic, inspired by Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is my favorite of the four because the sparkles are simply captivating. The formula is the same as Je Riviens and was opaque in two coats, although I may have used three for the pictures.


Overall, I think Literary Lacquer polishes are a winner. The formula is well perfected and the color selection is outstanding. I love Amy's creative vision and inspiration for her polishes.

Amy Midler, shop owner and creator of Literary Lacquers is an avid reader who gets her inspiration for her lacquers from literature. Anticipate her Holiday Collection to launch around Black Friday.

The Literary Lacquers Etsy shop can be found at

Ciao for now.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pretty Jelly Indie Polish Review: Chimera

Hello, my pretty pinkie polishers!

Today, I have a lovely indie polish by Pretty Jelly called Chimera from the fall 2015 Ultra Multichrome Flakie Collection. The collection consists of 12 sensational polishes that cover the entire spectrum of the rainbow. These polishes are chock full of flakie glitters that allow the polishes to shift colors and reflect light, creating a metallic sparkle effect. They do not require a base color, although a dark base will accentuate the color shift. Each bottle is $12.50 or you can buy the complete set of 12 colors on the Pretty Jelly Etsy store. I wouldn't wait too long, I think these will be a huge hit.

Let's take a look at Chimera.

Warm tones color shift

Cool tones color shift

This electrifying polish is hard to describe. I think I'd need a thesaurus to fully detail the intricate nature of the polish. But, I'll start with the color. The shifting and reflecting colors in Chimera, center around a green/gold/ that shifts to pink/copper/rust. When the colors shift to a metallic golden hue, and the light hits it just right, the reflective effect is stunning. This is a polish you could stare at and never get bored. The colors shift with the slightest movement of your hands. Definitely an attention grabber.`

Looking at the bottle, it's easy to see that the glitters and flakies are dense and evenly distributed. There was no separation in the consistency. The formula is very well done.

Liz, the owner and creator of Pretty Jelly suggests that you wear this polish over a black base for a full on effect, but let me tell you, this baby needs no help with opacity. In three coats, the polish is fully opaque, but, you could do with two. Often glittery polishes require a special application to evenly distribute the glitters and avoid clumping, but I didn't experience much difficulty with Chimera. It applied surprisingly easy. I used an initial light coat, then applied the second and third coats normally without any concern for coverage or glitter/flakie distribution. I loved the consistency which wasn't too thick, and definitely not runny. And the dry time was speedy. Excellent if  you want to look like you have an expensive time-consuming manicure, but only have a few minutes to spare.

First coat over a clear base

Two coats over a clear base

Three coats over a black base

Three coats over a black base
Pretty Jelly is entering it's third year in production and Liz is already looking to branch out into other beauty related products and expanding her repertoire of nail polishes. Among a myriad of beautiful colors, the brand also has a number of collections, including a 3-Year Anniversary Collection, 2015 Halloween collection, a Holographic collection, and the 2015 Ultra Multichrome Flakie Collection. According to Liz, several more collections are in the works. Be on the lookout for a Thanksgiving collection and a 2015 Winter/Holiday collection. I don't want to give it away, but her spring collection will celebrate the woman in you. 

Liz got her start as a nail polish blogger. After a few years of writing and growing her blog, she decided to take the leap and create her own 5-free nail polish brand. And she's done a fine job.

You can find Liz on her blog, Liquid Jelly, and
her Etsy store

Check out her Pretty Jelly web info site for places to purchase Pretty Jelly products. The brand has gone international and ships to Europe and Asia.

Liz is also on:


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Uber Mat by Uber Chic

The Uber Mat by Uber Chic

Hello, lovely lacquered ladies! I'm so excited about my latest toy that I couldn't wait to write about it in this evenings 31 Day Challenge post. It's the Uber Mat by Uber Chic. It arrived in the mail yesterday and I spent a little time playing around with it before bedtime. Which is why I didn't get much sleep last night. The mats were sold out until the end of August, and finally restocked on the 28th.  Of course, that's when I hastily pulled out my credit card and ordered mine before they disappeared again. It cost about $14 plus change in the States, with shipping it came to just under $20. Reasonable, I think. Here's what I found. If you do a lot of advanced, or reverse, stamping then I'd encourage you to invest in this tool. It's easier and faster than using a stamper head refill for each nail, which is what many, people do, including myself. Using the mat, you only need one stamper and one stamper head. The mat makes it easy to try out different color combinations and stamping designs, so you can really get creative. Until now, I've been using paper to test my designs on, and when I find a combination I like, I have to duplicate it on the stamper. Using the mat, I don''t have to duplicate the one I like, I can just pull it off the mat. Voila!

I'll have more to say about the Uber Mat in the next few days as I test it out. So far, I love it.

See you this evening when I upload my first challenge design.
Ciao for now.

Friday, August 21, 2015

China Glaze Sun of a Peach and Flying South Review

Have you tried those fuzzy, furry nail polishes?  Today I did for the first time after finding a bottle of China Glazes Flying South among my CG polishes.  I have no idea how it got there, but I decided to give it a try. I figured it would require a colored base coat, so I chose Sun of a Peach since the peachy orange color seemed to work well with the orange sawdust (that's what it looked like to me).  Overall, I was disappointed with the process, but the result wasn't too bad.  I started with two coats of the orange base color. Sun of a Peach was watery and streaky.  It pooled and was difficult to work with. The good thing about it was that it dried quickly. I give this one two thumb nails down.  The application was difficult and although the color was nice, it wasn't worth the effort it took to apply.

Next I applied a few coats of orange furry sawdust (Flying South) which started to morph into a mangy rat right before my eyes.  It was like when Ron turned his pet rat into a furry cup with a tail in the Harry Potter movie. I started to feel a little disgusted. I think that the fuzzy polishes just don't go over well with me.  Maybe if it were blue or something that might remind me of a soft, warm bathrobe rather than a sick rabid rodent I could appreciate the concept.  Overall, this was one of my least appealing manicures. I couldn't wait to snap the pictures and get that stuff off my nails.  All ten are currently recuperating from the horrors and look forward to returning to the field as soon as possible. In the mean time, I will work on removing the entire experience from my memory.

What do you think of fuzzy polishes? Can you stomach them or do they give you the creepy crawlies?
Ciao for now.

Monday, July 20, 2015

O.P.I. Polish Review: Kermit Vs. Spidey

Two O.P.I. polishes from older throwback collections caught my attention because of their duochrome affects. They are Kermit me to Speak from the Muppets Most Wanted Collection (2011) and Just Spotted the Lizard from The Amazing Spiderman Collection (2012).

I fell in love with both of these polishes right away.  I've seen polishes with stronger duochrome affects, but these have just enough to make them intriguing.  Just Spotted the Lizard leans more towards gold with green highlights and Kermit Me to Speak has a rosier hue with soft purple highlights. Both are fantastic and I honestly can't pick one over the other.  Can you?

Saturday, July 18, 2015

O.P.I. Paints review

It seems that everyone is jumping on the blendable nail polish band wagon. First, O.P.I. came out with their Color Paints collection, then Sephora with Formula X Infinite Ombre limited edition set.  Now, Morgan Taylor has Laquer Chrome Collection. What's next, China Glaze Silver Chromatic Backdrop Collection?

What's similar about these sets?  They're all two-step processes that start with a silver color base coat followed by one or more sheer polishes.

I purchased a mini set of O.P.I. Color Paints because I'm not so excited about the polishes.  I didn't want to commit to full size bottles.  The concept is nice, but I didn't look forward to testing them out.  But, test them I did, because I wanted to give you guys, my wonderful readers, a bit of information about them.  The O.P.I. Color Paints set has a silver base color called Silver Canvas Undercoat.  Then there are 5 color polishes-- Primarily Yellow, Chromatic Orange, Pen & Pink, Purple Perspective and Turquoise Aesthetic (what, no Green Screen?).

It started off simple enough.  The silver applied smoothly, and looked nice enough to wear on its own. Then I continued to make two failed attempts at creating colorful designs before I was satisfied with a wearable manicure.  I would like to show you the, I really don't want to show the fails. As a matter of fact, I didn't bother to take a picture of the second one.  But I can reveal my final attempt.  I was satisfied only after I stamped over the polishes with Konad Blue Pearl (I think that's the name).

I plan to continue to use the polishes, but probably as a single color over chrome and a simple stripe or two.  Then I'll throw a bunch of glitter over the whole thing and you won't see any of it anyway.  Glitter covers a multitude of ...errors

Unfortunately, I'll have to work with the multi-colored paint over chrome design concept one more time.  I accidentally purchased the Sephora Formula X Infinite Ombre set.  I placed a ridiculously low bid on EBay assuming that I wouldn't win, and by fluke, I won the bid.  So to be fair, I have to review it as well.  However, after Formula X I'm done with the base chrome concept and Morgan Taylors Chrome Collection won't be crossing my threshold.  Sorry Morgan.