I'm loving the lilacs and lavenders lately. Lastly, a little layer of floral stamping, leaves a lingering impression on this lightly holo ombre look. I had to let loose with the L's because who can say 'lilac and lavender' without wanting to string a slew of L words after it? Right? Ok, it's out of my system now.
I'm doing a little (a lot) fall cleaning this week, in preparation for a visit from my Dad. I don't mind my house being a bit out of sorts on an average day. Functional disorder is acceptable for me because we're a pretty busy family and I gave up any delusions of environmental perfection years ago. I have two boys so perfection doesn't exist anywhere in my world. But when Dad and Mama D say they're coming to visit, my head explodes and I convulse into fits of panic because I know it's impossible to pull my house together enough to make them think that I run a tight ship and have it all together. Nope, the truth comes out when they come to town. As much as I try to pretend, I don't have it all together, and most of the time I'm just floundering through each day trying to keep order and get the important things done in a reasonable amount of time. I know they don't have crazy expectations and I'm sure they don't think my home sucks, (because it doesn't) but I have this thing about impressing them. It's this unnecessary and unrealistic compulsion that I have to make them proud of me that I can't seem to put into perspective. And it's just them. Anybody else could come visit and I straighten up like everybody does before they have company. But Dad and Mama D aren't just anybody. They're the two people in my life who I respect and look up to more than anybody else. What they think matters. And even though they are the most non-judgmental people on the planet, that somehow makes it even more important that I don't screw up. It's a vicious cycle.
To keep myself from driving myself crazy, I have to make a reality list of things to do and not do. I can include things like washing the dishes and scrubbing the floor and cross out retile the kitchen backsplash and add wainscoting around the walls. I can add vacuum the carpet and take out the trash rather than repaint the walls, strip the paint off the furniture and re-stain the tables. See how I have to keep things in perspective? So, I will refrain from rushing out to buy new dishes, new curtains and new furniture and instead, settle for something more along the lines of picking up groceries and a jar of Dad's favorite instant coffee.
With reasonable expectations on myself, I can feel my blood pressure going down. Ok, I can see where to start now. Toss in a load of laundry, do the dishes, and vacuum. Great start. Oh, I can't forget, Mohinder Suresh needs his fish bowl cleaned, and the plants could use a drink of water.
I'm out of panic mode. Now I just have to stay sane and stick to the revised, realistic list. Wish me lots of luck.
Ciao for now!